What is Parkinson’s Disease?


Parkinson’s UK defines the disease as “…a progressive neurological condition”. Cure Parkinson’s defines it as “…a progressive neurological disease”. I define it as being a bit shit. (Pardon my language).

There are over 40 symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease – I have listed them here: https://puckfarkinsons.uk/the-a-to-z-of-pd/

Deep in the brain is something called the Substantia Nigra, which literally means “black stuff”. It is here the magic happens when it comes to making your body move. However for those of us with Parkinson’s, of the 400,000 dopamine neurons within the Substantia Nigra we have lost over 50% by the time symptoms appear, with some estimates putting that at 70%.

At the moment that loss is irreversible.

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