In a week’s time I should hopefully be 40 miles (65 kilometres) into the Winter Downs 200. I’m doing it because it is likely to be the last long race that my brain lets me attempt as the Parkinson’s Disease progresses.
I’m fundraising at the same time and the link is here:

My race crew has been prepped and I am really grateful for their support. Without them this race would be another level of difficulty, even with Parkinson’s. They have given up their holidays to give me the best chance of completing the 206 miles (it’s a trail race, you always get bonus miles!). My cunning plan is to go slow and steady which means they will be spending a lot of time hanging around in the cold and rain waiting for my smiling face to rock up.
My race number is 101 and the live link is here: It’ll be easy to spot me on the map – I’ll be the one at the back!
Hope the last few days preparations and rest go to plan, and the weather is as good as December weather can be.
Go for it 🥇