This week I started voice therapy.
My voice has been getting frustatingly quiet. After realising it was related to PD (another of the 40+ symptoms), I managed to get some voice therapy sessions through the NHS.
The sessions last half an hour by video link and it’s interesting to see (hear?) the process. Apart from saying “ahhhh” a lot, I had to come up with 10 phrases that I commonly use, which included “Hannah, we need to leave now!” and “Nice out”.
As well as saying long “ahhhs” I also was asked to think of different topics while trying to make my “ahhhs” last as long as possible. One topic that I was given was Beatles songs, and another was old schoolfriends/teachers.
I found that trying to make myself louder for longer was bloody hard work. Below is a picture showing how sweaty I was (as well as the classic hunched parky pose – another thing I’m trying to counterract).

The sessions last for four weeks so the office has to put up with my squawking for a while yet, but apparently I make less noise than the herring gull chick nesting on the roof.
My speech therapy for a croaky voice from coughing involves blowing bubbles with a straw in water quietly , then whilst ahhhhing too. I also have to hum a monotonous note . I think they must have a good sense of humour with these exercises they come up with 🤣
I haven’t had to use a straw … yet!