Well, to be strictly true, it’s the diagnosis that’s now 3 years old as Puck has been with me for a while longer than that.

There’s no cure.
In the midst of a pandemic I know there are a lot of worse things that can happen, but sometimes having a chronic disease can be a bit shit. Someone asked me a couple of weeks ago if I was getting better. I don’t think they realised that Parkinson’s is a one way ticket, and it’s definitely downhill.
Still, I’ve managed to keep one New Year’s resolution which is to get down the gym more than just once a week for my PT session. Luckily we’re only one week into the year 😁. My bad back stems from my left shoulder stiffness, which is caused by my Parkinson’s. I need to exercise my arms more often to keep my back from locking up completely (which also stops me from being able to walk).
Tonight is the monthly “Parkies at the Pub” meeting. Should be fun watching us throw food around, but I think I’ll avoid anything with peas.
#parkinsons #puckfarkinsons #parkinsonsawareness #cureparkinsonstrust #parkinsonsuk #danceforpd