While I was still processing my diagnosis (and I think I still am) I decided to get involved with as much research as possible. I’ve already been to Queen’s Square in London for some scans and cognitive tests which form part of a long term study into the development of the disease. Today it’s a visit to King’s College Hospital to take part in a study about sleep problems and Parkinson’s.

One of the many symptoms of Parkinson’s is sleep disorder. It’s a bit of a double whammy – Parkinson’s interferes with sleep, and sleep is needed to help the brain recover from daytime activity. Not good with a neurodegenerative disease.
So I’ve had more blood tests and am now wearing an activity tracker for 2 weeks as well as having to fill in a sleep diary. And this will be repeated in 12 months’ time.
It takes years for research to get through the system so I hope that whatever I do can help those who get hit with this disease in future. (The bonus today is that I can visit my eldest daughter as she’s studying just a few minutes away.) Thanks for reading, and please share the fundraising link in my bio.