To quote Joni Mitchell:
“Don’t it always seem to go
That you don’t know what you’ve got
‘Till it’s gone”
Well in my case I didn’t know I had dopamine. Until I didn’t have enough of it any longer.
On 10th January 2019 I was told I had Parkinson’s. At 49 that’s not exactly the best news I’ve ever had.
Parkinson’s. To me the only connection was that Michael J Fox had it. I’d read his autobiography years ago and promptly forgotten about it. Why should I worry? After all, isn’t it a disease for old people?
This is a blog about Parkinson’s (or my take on it anyway), research that I’m helping with, and my fundraising. It takes years to get drugs from lab tests into the public domain, and the likelihood is that any treatments that do come along will halt the progression rather than cure it, so I aim to raise funds to help those who follow me, and to raise awareness about the disease now.
Watch this space 😁